Our Services


School Lunch

This service allows your student to walk through the lunch line and eat with dignity knowing that they are able to exchange a drink for a bottle of water just like the student in front or behind them. We will add money to your child’s or student’s (with parental permission) lunch account at school. This is for students that receive free or reduced lunch prices and for those that do not, but struggle to keep the lunch card full.

Extra Curricular

This service provides tuition or fees to join a team, club, or sport. It includes uniforms and other maintenance or travel fees. This can be a school team such as football, band, a school sponsored camp, as well as a private company such as gymnastics or dance. Classroom supplies, uniforms, and tutoring are also applicable here.

Medical Expenses

This service provides a portion of the expense of orthodontics, dental work, or glasses. We would love to support therapies as well such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, or physical therapy.

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